NetIQ Aegis 2.1
The NetIQ Aegis Engine service is stopped and it is not possible to start it manually after changing the Domain membership of the server hosting the NetIQ Aegis Engine service.
The Aegis Engine service is stopped when the Aegis host server's Domain membership is changed.
Aegis Engine service can not be started after changing the Aegis Server's Domain membership.
The Aegis Engine service is stopped when the Aegis host server's Domain membership is changed.
Aegis Engine service can not be started after changing the Aegis Server's Domain membership.
This issue is currently under Development review, and is not immediately correctible. Best practice at this time would be to change the Domain that the machine is a member of prior to installing NetIQ Aegis. Alternately, you may uninstall and re-install NetIQ Aegis if Domain membership of the server has already been changed on the server.
If you install Aegis on a machine, and then change the Domain of the machine, the NetIQ Aegis Engine service will be stopped and it will not be possible to start it manually.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB70856