Upgrading an NT Repository when upgrading to VigilEnt Policy Center 5.0 (NETIQKB70811)

  • 7770811
  • 07-Dec-2007
  • 30-Mar-2009


VigilEnt Policy Center 4.2 SP3

VigilEnt Policy Center 5.0


Upgrading from VigilEnt Policy Center 4.2 SP3 to VigilEnt Policy Center 5.0
Current repository is set to use NT Domains


The installer is searching for WinNTNative.dll at the time of upgrading because the NT Domain option has been chosen previous to the upgrade. So this solution can be used in an environment where the NT Domain option has been selected.


1.       Before starting the upgrade process, copy the folder \VpcAdmin to a different location. For example, create a folder \TempBackup under the drive C: and copy the \VpcAdmin folder to that location from the installation path, C:\Program Files\NetIQ\VigilEnt Policy Center\server\VpcAdmin. The target path for this step is, C:\TempBackup\VpcAdmin.

2.       Complete the following changes in the database:

a.        Open SQL Query Analyzer and connect using the vpc_user login.  Be sure that you are focused on the NetIQVPC database.  Make a backup of the absoluteAppPath value in the properties table. The command to execute to do this is:

Select KeyValue, Value into PropertiesBkUp from Properties where KeyValue = 'absoluteAppPath'

b.       Update the properties table with the new path for the key value ? absoluteAppPath. The command to execute to do this is:

Update Properties Set Value='C:\TempBackup\VpcAdmin' Where KeyValue= 'absoluteAppPath'

3.       Once the database update has been completed, upgrade VPC to version 5.0.

4.       After successfully upgrading to VPC 5.0, you will need to reverse the changes made to the database.

a.        Open SQL Query Analyzer and connect as the vpc_user login.  Be sure that you are focused on the NetIQVPC database.  Update the properties table with the actual path for the key value ? absoluteAppPath. The command to execute to do this is:

Update a Set a.Value=b.Value From Properties a, PropertiesBkUp b Where a.KeyValue=b.KeyValue

b.       Drop the backup table. The command to execute to do this is:

                        Drop table PropertiesBkUp

5.       Delete the \TempBakup folder created in step 1.

6.       Restart the VigilEnt Policy Center service.

7.       Ensure that all the data has been transferred properly.


After upgrading, group memberships may have been lost. So you will need to replace the old vpc-repository.jar with the new vpc-repository.jar.

  1. Install VPC 5.0 Service Pack 2.
  2. Then stop the VigilEnt Policy Center Service.
  3. Replace the old vpc-repository.jar file with new vpc-repository.jar file under <installation directory>\Program Files\NetIQ\VigilEnt Policy Center\server\shared\lib.
  4. StartVigilEntPolicyCenter Service
  5. Login to Admin site and synchronize the NT Domain repository once again.
  6. Then check group memberships for users.






While upgrading from 4.2 to 5.0, is using NT Domain as the repository selection. The installer is searching for the WinNTNative.dll, in the \VpcAdmin folder under the installation path. The installer does this process in the following steps:


þ      Stop the VigilEntPolicyCenter Service.

þ      Deletes the old \VpcAdmin folder and \policy folder under the install path, by default: C:\Program Files\NetIQ\VigilEnt Policy Center\server\VpcAdmin and C:\Program Files\NetIQ\VigilEnt Policy Center\server\policy

þ      Then start the installation.  Now, the installer searches for WinNTNative.dll in the server under \VpcAdmin\WEB-INF\native of the installation folder. Since the folder under the installation path has been deleted in the previous step, the installation throws error and stops the execution at that point.




Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB70811