Failed to Open Graphics Server (NETIQKB70803)

  • 7770803
  • 04-Dec-2007
  • 04-Dec-2007


NetIQ Security Manager 5x
NetIQ Security Manager 6.0



I receive an error when opening the Monitor Console, "Failed to Open Graphics Server".


You can follow a manual process to limit or remove the additional files from the \Windows\Syswow64 directory.  Use the following steps to correct this issue:

  1. Search the hard drive for GSW*.*
  2. Rename all the GSW32.EXE, GSWDLL32.DLL and GSWAG32.DLL files not in the \Windows\Syswow64
  3. Open the Security Manager Monitor Console to verify the correction


There are multiple copies of these files: GSW32.EXE, GSWDLL32.DLL and GSWAG32.DLL.  There should only be one copy each in the \Windows\Syswow64  directory. 

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB70803