AppManager for Unix 6.5
AppManager for Unix 7.0
install_ksperl installer
Where can I download the install_ksperl software that is needed to debug UNIX perl ks scripts? The documentation states that I need to execute the install_ksperl from the cd.
By default, the install_ksperl installer was removed from the AppManager installation source, but related Document was not updated. Thus, the install_ksperl installer is not available.
For AppManger 6.5 and later, you now use the included Developer Consoler for UNIX Knowledge Script development. You can install the Developer Console through the setup menu of the Windows Core Component.
The install_ksperl development environment was removed in AppManager 6.5 in favor of the Windows developer console.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB70800
The AppManager Developer Console requires a separate license key. Contact your Account Team for more information.
The AppManager Developer Console requires a separate license key. Contact your Account Team for more information.