The results of a forensic query is filled with the term "PasswordPolicy".
Security Manager 5.1 was upgrade to Security Manager 5.6 while using the NetIQ Directory and Resource Administrator module.
1. Backup custom Processing Rule Groups (PRG)
b. Expand Processing Rule Groups
c. Highlight the group to backup
d. Select Action from the tool menu
e. Click Export Custom Module
f. Specify a name to save the backup (Default location is \NetIQ Security Manager\OnePoint\)
g. Place a check in the box for the view to export as part of this module
h. Click OK
i. Repeat steps a - h for all groups requiring a backup.
2. Remove the contents of the MetaDataMap and MetaDataMapMain tables
a. Open SQL Server Enterprise Manager (For Security Manager 6.0, Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio)
b. Expand Microsoft SQL Servers | SQL Server Group | <Database server name\instance> | Databases | Onepoint (For Security Manager 6.0, Expand <Database server name\instance> | Databases | Onepoint)
c. Select Tables (For Security Manager 6.0, Expand Tables)
d. On the right hand pane, highlight the MetadataMap table (For Security Manager 6.0, Right click the MetadataMap table and click Open Table. Go to step g.)
e. Select Action from the tool menu
f. Select Open Table, Click Return all rows
g. Select the first row, scroll to the bottom of the table and select the second to last row
h. Select Delete on your keyboard, Click Yes to permanently delete the rows
i. Close the MetadataMap table
j. Repeat steps d - i for the MetadataMapMain table
k. Close SQL Server Enterprise Manager (For Security Manager 6.0, Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio)
3. Restore the original NetIQ Modules (NQM)
a. Return to the opened Development Console
b. Select Processing Rule Groups
c. Select Action from the tool menu
d. Click Restore NetIQ Module
e. Browse to the original NetIQ Module (The original .NQM file)
f. Select the option to Replace existing rule groups with those of the imported module
g. Click Import
h. Upon completion click Close
i. Repeat steps b - h to restore additional modules.
Additional Information
RECOMMENDATIONS: Backup the OnePoint database because you will be directly manipulating critical tables.