CWBUNPLA Error while retrieving usage information for User xxxx when starting a session (NETIQKB70692)

  • 7770692
  • 09-Oct-2007
  • 15-Aug-2008


Security Solutions for iSeries

Security Solutions for iSeries 8.0

Remote Request Management (RRM)


A Windows message box is displayed with the title CWBUNPLA and the message text "Error occurred while retrieving usage information for on ". This message box may not always be visible from the desktop and thus users will perceive this to be a hang in the application.

Error: Attempt to use permanent system object PSCOMMON without authority.

MCH1001 - Attempt to use permanent system object &1 without authority.


*PUBLIC authority for library PSCOMMON should be set to the shipped value which is *CHANGE.


Failure to start the remote command/distributed program call host server (as-RMTCMD) due to insufficient authority to iSeries library PSCOMMON containing PSSecure/RRM exit program for exit point QIBM_QZRC_RMT.

Changing *PUBLIC authority for library PSCOMMON can result in some users encountering this error if the RRM Exit programs are installed.  Replying "OK" to the message allows the session to be established.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB70692