Data in the data table but not in the Archivedata table (NETIQKB70576)

  • 7770576
  • 08-Aug-2007
  • 18-Jan-2012


NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
NetIQ AppManager 8.x


Jobs run fine with Data Collection set to "yes" or otherwise enabled.
Data is collected and written to the Data table, but no data is written to the ArchiveData table.


To check the ArchiveData enablement value in the AppManager Repository database, run the following query against the QDB:

select * from globalpref
where name = 'ArchiveData'

If the ArchiveData "Val" value is set to "0" or anything other than "1", you can correct this issue by using the following query to enable ArchiveData:

update globalpref
set val = 1
where name = 'ArchiveData'


The default value for the ArchiveData "Val" value in the GlobalPref table is "1".  This allows Management Servers to know to write data to the ArchiveData table.  If this value has been manually altered, your Management Servers will not know to write data to the ArchiveData table.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB70576

Before making ANY changes to your Repository Database, you should guarantee that you first have a confirmed good, recent back-up of the Repository database.