How do I manage the 'Owner' attribute of a Distribution List using DRA? (NETIQKB70502)

  • 7770502
  • 12-Jul-2007
  • 27-Aug-2009


Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
Directory and Resource Administrator 8.x


How do I manage the 'Owner' attribute of a Distribution List using DRA?
What attribute in DRA corresponds to the Owner field in a Distribution List as seen in Exchange or in the Global Address List?


The "Owner" attribute field for a Distribution Group that you see in Microsoft Exchange and also in the Global Address List in Microsoft Outlook corresponds to the "Manager" attribute field in Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) on the Managed by property page.  To manage the Owner field using DRA, delegate permissions to the Manager field instead.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB70502