Last Logon Statistics are not updated after choosing the "Refresh Now" button on the LastLogon Schedule tab of the properties dialog for a DRA server, even though instances of Application Event Log entry, EventID 13632 having a Source of McsAdminSVC and a Category of AgentManager on a DRA Server, indicates that Last Logon statistics have been collected successfully.
Last Logon Statistics are not being gathered soon enough
Directory and Resource Administrator 8.x
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
DRA will never refresh the Last Logon statistics if the difference between the time of the request and the time of the last refresh is less than the "Statistics Threshold". The default value for the "Statistics Threshold" is 30 minutes. This means that if the Last Logon Statistics Gathering Schedule specifies an interval of 30 minutes, no attempts to use the "Refresh Now" button will succeed.
When the NetIQ DRA Agents are deployed to all the Domain Controllers of domains managed by DRA and when each agent is configured with the correct DCOM permissions if Windows Server 2003, SP1, is installed on the domain controller, the minimum frequency with which Last Logon statistics will be gathered is governed by the Statistics Threshold. The default value for the statistics threshold is 30 minutes. If the default is accepted, Last Logon statistics cannot be collected more frequently than every 30 minutes on a DRA Server. However, on each domain controller where a DRA Agent is deployed, you can configure a DWORD value called StatisticsThreshold that specifies the minimum frequency in minutes with which Last Logon statistics will be gathered. This value must be defined for the key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Mission Critical Software\DraAgent. Any time you change the value for StatisticsThreshold or delete it, you must restart the NetIQ DRA Agent on the corresponding Domain Controller. The value for StatisticsThreshold on all Domain Controllers participating in the same Multi-Master set must be the same.
When you restart the NetIQ DRA Agent any previous last logon data that has not been reported to DRA Servers is lost. Only last logon information collected after the NetIQ DRA Agent has been restarted can be reported to DRA Servers.
On Domain Controllers running the NetIQ DRA Agent, the Registry Key, HKLM\SOFTWARE\Mission Critical Software\DraAgent, will have a separate sub-key for each DRA server that is registered with it. "StatisticsThreshold" must be a value for HKLM\SOFTWARE\Mission Critical Software\DraAgent and not any of its sub-keys. The value for "StatisticsThreshold" applies to each DRA server registered with the agent. This means that any single DRA server cannot request a refresh of the last logon statistics more frequently than the value for "StatisticsThreshold". However, the difference between the requested refresh times from two different DRA servers might be less than the value for "StatisticsThreshold".