Object Creator Analysis report error: MCH1210: "Receiver variable too small to hold result." (NETIQKB70475)

  • 7770475
  • 03-Jul-2007
  • 03-Oct-2007


Fact: NetIQ Security Solutions for iSeries 8.0

Fact: PSAudit

Fact: System Auditing and Reporting (SAR)

Fact: AARP67


Symptom: Object Creator Analysis report error: MCH1210: "Receiver variable too small to hold result."

Symptom: Database Load job ZAA200C error MCH3402: "Tried to refer to all or part of an object that no longer exists."

Symptom: File AAPF10 contains invalid data and other objects are missing from the file.


Fix: PTF 1A03009 resolves an issue with loading the File, Library, and Object Database on V5R4 systems. If you run job AA2000C (Object Load) on a system running operating system V5R4, reports on libraries containing over 20,000 objects fail with error MCH1210: Receiver variable too small .

Also run the following command to prevent abnormal job termination due to large joblog: CHGJOBD PSAUDIT/AAJOBD JOBMSGQFL(*WRAP)

For more information about this PTF, or to download this PTF, see https://www.netiq.com/support/vsa/extended/hotfixes_iseries.asp.


Cause: This error occurs due to operating system changes introduced in the IBM OS V5R4 release.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB70475