Error: "The server is unwilling to process the request" when using the AddUserWin2k.xls spreadsheet (NETIQKB70464)

  • 7770464
  • 28-Jun-2007
  • 13-Mar-2008



Error: "The server is unwilling to process the request" when using the AddUserWin2k.xls spreadsheet

When using the AddUserWin2k.xls spreadsheet, all users get created in a DISABLED state

Unable to add users using the AddUserWin2k.xls spreadsheet


Directory and Resource Administrator 8.x


This is caused when the macro that runs in the background of the AddUserWin2k.xls tries to build the string for the CN of the user object.  If that string has a "," in it, (whether the "," came from the formatting of the CN as displayed on the front page of the .xls, or if a "," actually is input into this field manually on the second page of the sheet), The sheet is unable to commit this change to Active Directory giving an error


Manually input the CN field with the creation of each user account so that it contains a "\" immediately preceeding the ","

Example of acceptable values to input for the CN column: "Doe John", "Doe\,John"


ENG229542 has been logged and is being looked at by dev at this time


Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB70464