How does the AppManager Oracle MO installer determine the path to each Oracle instance? (NETIQKB70462)

  • 7770462
  • 28-Jun-2007
  • 13-Sep-2007


AppManager for UNIX v7.0
AppManager for UNIX Oracle Managed Object v7.4.42.0


What are the specific checks made by the Oracle MO?


The installer checks the oratab file by making this call:

| grep -v "^#" \
| grep -v "^*" \
| grep -i "^[A-Za-z]" \
| cut -d ":" -f2`

For each line returned, $homedir, from the above command the installer then calls these two grep commands to gather additional data about the installation directory:

grep -i db_name $homedir/dbs/*.ora
grep -i instance_name $homedir/dbs/*.ora

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB70462

Unlike other operating systems, Solaris uses /var/opt/oracle/oratab.