How do I grant authority to a user only to the "Reactivate profile from archive" option? (NETIQKB70335)

  • 7770335
  • 23-May-2007
  • 23-May-2007


Goal: How do I grant authority to a user only to the "Reactivate profile from archive" option?

Goal: How can I authorize a user only to the "Reactivate profile from archive" option without granting authority to all of PSSecure?

Fact: NetIQ Security Solutions for iSeries 8.0

Fact: PSSecure

Fact: Profile & Password Management (PPM)

Fact: User Profile Management (UPM)

Fact: ZPRP27

Fact: Work with Archived User Profiles

Fix: To authorize a user only to the "Reactivate profile from archive" option, refer to the steps below.

  1. From PSMENU, select options 2, 1, 6 (Select Other Application).
  2. Use option 1 (=Select) to select application PS.
  3. Select options 2, 1 (Work With Cmds & Programs).
  4. Find Function Code ZPRP27.
  5. Select Function Code ZPRP27 with option 3 (=Copy).
  6. Specify New Function Code ZPRP27U.
  7. Find new function code ZPRP27U.
  8. Use option 1 (=Select) to select ZPRP27U.
  9. Change the Command String to CALL ZPRP27, press Enter.
  10. Press F12 twice.
  11. Select options 3, 1 (Work With Users).
  12. Select user *DEFAULT with option 3 (=Copy) to use it as a base for creating in SMS the profile that will access ZPRP27U.
  13. Press Enter, then F3 to exit.

Run the following command and for "userprofile" specify the user that will access ZPRP27U :


The user can now access "Work with Archived User Profiles" with the following command:


Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB70335