NetIQ Security Solutions for iSeries 8.1
NetIQ Security Solutions for iSeries 8.0
System Auditing and Reporting (SAR)
Data Auditing and Reporting (DAR)
Remote Request Management (RRM)
Which reports provide outfile support?
Do the PSAudit reports support outfiles?
Can the report data be sent to an output file?
PSSecure/RRM (Remote Request Management) reports provide outfile support. The report job using command PSRUNRPT will create the outfile for you, but if you specify an existing file name in the OUTFILE parameter, it must have a specific format. Use command RUNQRY *N PSCOMMON/AP1003F to see the report-to-format information. Field DD3DTASRC (Data Source ID) specifies the model file containing the outfile format. The RRM reports are found using PSMENU, options 2, 3, 20, and 6. Another RRM report, the Collected Entries report, which is obtained using command PSRRMCRPT, also has outfile support and its format is defined in model file NW0810F, which is not listed in file AP1003F.
PSAudit/SAR (System Auditing and Reporting) also has outfile support for most reports. The report job using command STRAAAPI will create the outfile for you. If you specify an existing file name in the OFILE parameter, its format is not validated. Use the PSAudit Submittal Window or the STRAAAPI command to run the PSAudit security reports and specify an outfile.
PSAudit/DAR (Data Auditing and Reporting) commands DDRPT (DAR Changed Data Report) and DDRPTA (DAR File Access Report) also support output files. If you specify an existing file name in the OUTFILE parameter, its format is not validated.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB70331