Goal: Is there an API to add members to RRM user groups?
Goal: How do I add members to RRM user groups?
Fact: NetIQ Security Solutions for iSeries 8.0
Fact: Remote Request Management (RRM)
Fact: RRM groups
Symptom: I need to use a program to add members to RRM groups.
Cause: Need to add many members to many groups.
Fix: The RRM API to Add Member to a Group is NW0081B. It allows you to add a member to a user, network, or operation group.
The required input parameters, as documented in the Release Notes for v7.5, are as follows:
Parameter | Use | Type | Description |
Environment | Input | Char(10) | Specifies the RRM environment to which you are adding the member. Valid values are PRODUCTION and WHATIF. |
Group Type | Input | Char(10) | Specifies the type of group to which you are adding a member. Valid values are USER, NETWORK, and OPERATION. |
Group Name | Input | Char(10) | Specifies the name of the group to which you are adding a member. If the group name entered in this field does not exist in RRM, the group is created. Group names must begin with a colon (:). |
Item | Input | Char(15) | Specifies the name of the user, network, or operation you are adding to the group. |
Example of declares and call in a CL pgm:
DCL &Env *CHAR 10
DCL &GrpTyp *CHAR 10
DCL &GrpNam *CHAR 10
DCL &GrpMbr *CHAR 15CALL NW0081B (&Env &User &Address &Server &Function &Command &Action &Swap &Path &Status)
Example of call from command entry: