How do I change the default JOBQ on the PSAudit Submittal Window? (NETIQKB70293)

  • 7770293
  • 16-May-2007
  • 18-May-2007


Goal: How do I change the default JOBQ on the PSAudit Submittal Window?

Goal: How do I change the default OUTQ on the PSAudit Submittal Window?

Fact: NetIQ Security Solutions for iSeries

Fact: v8.0

Fact: PSAudit

Fact: System Auditing and Reporting (SAR)

Symptom: I cannot find where to permanently change the default JOBQ that appears on the PSAudit Submittal Window.

Goal: How can I permanently change the default OUTQ that appears on the PSAudit Submittal Window?

Fix: To change the default JOBQ or OUTQ for the PSAudit Submittal Window, use PSMENU, options 1, 1, 7, and 1.

The 'OUTQ' and 'JOBQ' need to be in a library found in the library list established when working with the NetIQ menu interface or product commands. We recommend that the outqueue reside in a common library such as 'QGPL' or 'QUSRSYS'. 

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB70293