When migrating a GPO using the scripting interface, GPA names the target GPO as 'Copy of <source>' (NETIQKB70084)

  • 7770084
  • 07-Mar-2007
  • 20-Jun-2007



NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 5.0 SP1


When migrating a GPO between domains in the same GP Repository using the GPA scripting interface, GPA names the target GPO as "Copy of <source GPO name>." This occurs even if there is no GPO with the source GPO name present in the target domain.


This was a change from the functionality in GPA 4.6.


Hotfix 70084 updates the functionality of the Group Policy Administrator (GPA) scripting interface when migrating Group Policy Objects (GPOs).

This hotfix provides a new method for the scripting interface, called MigrateToEx, which enables you to migrate a GPO between domains in the same GP Repository and retain the name of the target GPO in the target domain. The MigrateToEx method has one parameter, called VarUpdateName, which you can set to TRUE or FALSE. The default value is TRUE.

* Setting VarUpdateName to FALSE keeps the name of the target GPO and copies the settings of the source GPO into the target GPO.
* Setting VarUpdateName to TRUE changes the name of the target GPO to "Copy of <source GPO>" and copies the settings of the source GPO into the target GPO.

To apply the new migration method:

1. Change MigrateTo to MigrateToEx in the scripting interface.

2. Set VarUpdateName to FALSE if you want to keep the name of the target GPO.
   Example syntax: GPOObject.MigrateToEx <Target>, FALSE

For more information about the proper syntax and usage of the MigrateToEx method, see the NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB70084 available at https://support.netiq.com/gpa.

To install this hotfix, perform the following steps on each GPA Console computer:

1.  Close all GPA user interfaces.

2.  Run the GPA50000_Hotfix70084.exe file.

This hotfix modifies the faGPRScrObj.dll file. By default, GPA installs this file in the Program Files\NetIQ\Group Policy Administrator\Bin folder.



Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB70084