The DST SecOfr Password Reset report does not show a specific DST pwd reset (NETIQKB70080)

  • 7770080
  • 06-Mar-2007
  • 17-May-2007



DST SecOfr Password Reset shows some password changes but not all


PSAudit 8.0


System Auditing and Reporting


Changing the DST password, by typing F9 at the DST signon screen and changing the password in this manner will create a Journal Entry for DST password follows

Opt    Sequence  Code  Type  Object      Library     Job         Time    
           2485   T     DS                           QPADEV0010   9:56:25
           3167   T     DS                           QPADEV0010  11:34:18
           3841   T     DS                           QPADEV0010  13:21:43
           3843   T     DS                           QPADEV0010  13:22:25

Incomplete data  . . :   No              Minimized entry data :   No  
Sequence . . . . . . :   3843                                         
Code . . . . . . . . :   T  - Audit trail entry                       
Type . . . . . . . . :   DS - DST password reset request              
            Entry specific data                                       
Column      *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5        
00001      'P QSECOFR           Y          QSECOFR   '                

The other method of changing DST password is:

STRSST - login
8. Work with service tools user IDs   
2=Change Password

This does not create a journaled entry to QAUDJRN and therefore will not show up on our DST password change report.


This issue has been reported to IBM.  Should they at some point write a QAUDJRN entry for the second method of changing the password, it will be picked up by our report.



Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB70080