When running a SCM iSeries check for user profiles, the special authorities are returned as a string (NETIQKB56370)

  • 7756370
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 09-Mar-2010


Each character in the string returned in the represents a special authority. If the character in the string is a Y then this means the user profile in question does have this special authority, a N used means it does not.

Character 1 represents the *ALLOBJ special authority
Character 2 represents the *SECADM special authority
Character 3 represents the *JOBCTL special authority
Character 4 represents the *SPLCTL special authority
Character 5 represents the *SAVSYS special authority
Character 6 represents the *SERVICE special authority
Character 7 represents the *AUDIT special authority
Character 8 represents the *IOSYSCFG special authority

For example, if NYYYNNYN is returned the user in question has *SECADM, *JOBCTL, *SPLCTL and *AUDIT special authorities.


This is due to the API used by NETIQ to build the user profile information.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB56370