Unable to connect to SQL on upgrade (NETIQKB56264)

  • 7756264
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 27-Mar-2012


Unable to connect to SQL on upgrade or Database server validation failed the following checks: The Microsoft Distributed Transacation Coordinator Service is not configured correctly at the central computer


In order to troubleshoot this, please try the following:

Check for installed application servers

  1. Open Add/Remove Programs on the Central Computer you are upgrading
  2. Go into Add/Remove Windows Components
  3. Go into Application Server
  4. Ensure that Enable network COM+ access and that Enable network DTC access are enabled
  5. If one of these items is missing, install it.

Verify that connectivity can be established by testing the ODBC connection

  1. Open the Data Sources (ODBC) application
  2. Go to the System DSN tab
  3. Add a new connection
  4. Select the SQL Server driver
  5. Click Finish
  6. Enter a name in the name field
  7. Enter the name of the SQL Server in the Server field
  8. Click Next
  9. Leave everything at the default and click Next
  10. Leave everything at the default and click Next
  11. Leave everything at the default and click Finish
  12. Click on the button that says Test Data Source...

If there a connectivity problem exists, we can review the log from the test.  Find the log in this location for review: .


This is usually caused by a lack of connectivity from the Central Computer to SQL

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB56264