How can I use Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) to create a Profile Management File for Sec (NETIQKB55963)

  • 7755963
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 05-Oct-2011


Secure Password Administrator 1.0


How can I use Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) to create a Profile Management File for Secure Password Administrator (SPA)?

How can I automate the creation of a Profile Management File file for Secure Password Administrator (SPA)?


The Secure Password Administrator (SPA) product allows for the import of a "SPA Profile Management File" to automate the creation, modification, or deletion of SPA profiles.

The SPA Profile Management File requires that the file be formatted properly with a header line, the correct syntax, and be saved as a comma seperated value (CSV) file before importing.  The SPA product itself does not include any utility to create the necessary file.

Using the syntax and format instructions as provided in the Secure Password Administrator User Guide, it is possible to create the necssary file using a programs such as Access and Excel along with a way to extract the necessary data from another source, such as an HR database.

NetIQ's Directory and Resource Administrator, which is a prerequisite for SPA, features a Software Development Kit (SDK).  The SDK contains an Excel spreadsheet, called UpdateWin2K, that can be used to import data from Active Directory.  The data can be manipulated within the spreadsheet to create a CSV file that can be used by SPA as a SPA Profile Management File.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB55963