VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries 7.5
To prevent processes from running during the upgrade, run the upgrade in restricted state.
Immediately prior to upgrade, check the following items:
- The CRTLIB command must have the ASP Number parameter set to 1. On the iSeries command line, type
and press F4 to view parameters. If the ASP Number value is not set to1
, change it. To change the ASP Number value to 1, on the iSeries command line, typeCHGCMDDFT CMD(QSYS/CRTLIB) NEWDFT('ASP(1)')
and press Enter. You can change the ASP Number value back to the original value after the upgrade. Note the value of system value QFRCCVNRST. NOTE: Steps 15 and 16 on page 96 and Step 26 on page 98 of the Installation Guide had this system value spelled incorrectly. Please correct it in each instance for your reference.
- Note the value of system value QALWOBJRST before and after the install as the installation program changes it to *ALWPGMADP. This is a correction for step 17 on page 96 of the Installation Guide which spelled the system value incorrectly.
- Change the job description specified in user profile of the person who will run the install or upgrade to specify INQMSGRPY(*RQD) LOG(4 0 *MSG) LOGCLPGM(*YES). Be sure to revert to original values after completion of install or upgrade.
If the upgrade process issues inquiry message CPA3DD6 ("Library XXXXXXXXXX not registered to product 1PSxxxx?" or CPA3DE4 (?Directory not registered. (C G)?), please reply with ?G?.
If you receive the following error, press Enter as instructed and the upgrade will continue normally.
After upgrade:
- All products will have a 30-day temporary license. After the 30 days expire, products will revert to original licensing.
- After the upgrade to 8.0, be sure to load and apply 8.0 PTFs that are applicable to your installation.
PTFs may be downloaded from the site noted below (registration required).
https://www.netiq.com/support/iseries/default.asp Click the 8.0 tab to review all available PTFs. Open each downloaded PTF zip file and follow the instructions in each PTF cover letter (XXXXXXXcover.doc or XXXXXXXcover.htm)
- You should not delete any installed licensed programs for products 1PS*.