I am considering changing the defaults on the CRTLIB command to have new libraries created on a non- (NETIQKB55842)

  • 7755842
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Oct-2007


I am considering changing the defaults on the CRTLIB command to have new libraries created on a non-default ASP, will this affect your product?

NetIQ Security Solutions for iSeries 8.0

VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries 7.5

Upgrade fails with CPF2193 error.

CPF2193 is encountered in the PSINSTALL job.

Error: 'CPF2193: Object  cannot be moved into library .'

CPF2193 occurs when PS*TEMP exists in an ASP other than ASP 1.


When performing an upgrade, the PSINSTALL job uses the CRTLIB command to create temporary libraries. These libraries must exist in ASP 1, the system ASP. If you require the CRTLIB command to be set to an ASP other than 1, change the command prior to the upgrade and change it back after the upgrade.

Ensure the CRTLIB command ASP number is set to 1. To verify this value on your system, on the iSeries server command line, type CRTLIB and press F4 to display the ASP number.

If you performed an upgrade and the PS*TEMP libraries were created in an ASP other then ASP 1, you must uninstall NetIQ Security Solutions for iSeries and re-install it after changing the CRTLIB command to specify ASP(1). Uninstalling the product will cause significant product data loss. Please contact NetIQ Technical Support for further assistance.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB55842