NetIQ AppManager 6.0.x
Microsoft SQL Server 2000
Microsoft SQL Server 2005
SQL_NetError Knowledge Script
NetIQ AppManager SQL Managed Object 6.2
SQL_NetError Knowledge Script causes the NetIQMc service to stop and generates the following error:
Error: C++ Runtime Library Error: Buffer overrun detected! on NetIQmc.exe process
A fix for this issue is included in AppManager SQL Managed Object version 6.4 and later.
SQL Server 2000 versions and SQL Server 2005 versions contain a stored procedure named sp_monitor that can be used to gather various statistics from the SQL instance. The stored procedure generates an arithmetic overflow if the @@CPU_BUSY or @@IO_BUSY statistics exceed 49 days of cumulative CPU time. This overflow causes the logic used by the SQL_NetError Knowledge Script to fail and create a buffer overrun situation in the NetIQmc.exe Agent process.
Additional Information
For more information on this limitation in Microsoft SQL 2000\2005, please refer to the following URL: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/ms186925.aspx