How do I mask (hide) the answers users provide to questions in the Secure Password Administrator (SP (NETIQKB55753)

  • 7755753
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 05-Oct-2011


Secure Password Administrator 1.0


How do I mask (hide) the answers users provide to questions in the Secure Password Administrator (SPA) Registration site?

How do I display (unmask) the answers users provide whe using the SPA Self-Service site?


When users access the Secure Password Administrator (SPA) Registration site, they are asked to provide answers to questions when creating their profile.  These answers are displayed in plain text, and cannot be hidden or masked.
When users access the SPA Self-Service site, they are asked to provide answers to the questions that were used to create the profile during registration.  These answers are hidden (masked) and cannot be displayed in plain text.

An enhancement request has been submitted to allow users to choose to display or mask the answers on the Registration site and the Self-Service site, or allow SPA Administrators to choose which method is appropriate for each site.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB55753