Does Security Manager support the use of shadow accounts? (NETIQKB55038)

  • 7755038
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 07-Jan-2008


Does Security Manager support the use of shadow accounts?

Does Security Manager support pass-through authentication?

Can the central computer use the same account name from two different domains?

Security Manager 4.X

Security Manager 5.X


Microsoft SQL Server does not support the use of shadow accounts. Because Security Manager databases use Microsoft SQL Server, Security Manager does not function correctly with shadow accounts.

In a multi-domain environment involving a central computer in each domain, there must be a trust set up to allow the addition of the different service accounts for Microsoft SQL Server. 

For example, if there are two domains with central computer 1 in domain A and central computer 2 in domain B, and the OnePoint database is located on a server in domain A, then domain A must trust domain B so that the service account from domain B can be added to the Microsoft SQL Server in domain A with the appropriate permissions.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB55038