How can I reduce the size of the AC_Configuration database? (NETIQKB54930)

  • 7754930
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 02-Jun-2011


NetIQ Analysis Center 2.x


How can I reduce the size of the AC_Configuration database?


For Analysis Center, log messages and information is stored within the AC_Configuration database.  This database is automatcially groomed within NetIQ Analysis Center 2.x at each iteration of the OLAP Processing job to retain only 30 days of data.  However, you can run a manual query for reducing the amount of data stored in AC 2.x.

NOTE: Running the following query will delete the log data, and will be unrecoverable.  Ensure you wish to proceed before executing the following query. 

This will reduce the amount of log messaging data within the AC_Configuration database to the last 30 calendar days.  However, reducing this log could affect the abiltiy for NetIQ Technical Support to assist with troubleshooting.  Please be sure you wish to remove this data and have a full backup of this database prior to executing the query.

EXEC [AC_Configuration].[dbo].[isp_LogMessageDelete] 30

where 30 is the number of days you want to RETAIN

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB54930

You could use this same query with your NAC 2.x installation to remove more than 30 days of log messaging by reducing the 30 to a value of your chosing (such as 15 to retain only 15 days of data).