AppManager 5.0.x
AppManager 6.0.x
AppManager for UNIX 6.5
Discovery_UNIX Knowledge Script
Red Hat Linux
Sun Solaris
SuSE Linux
You can manually adjust the Discovery_UNIX KS to correct this issue. In addition, a test has been provided within the KB Article to confirm a manual modification is required.
Use df in the second place in Discovery_UNIX as it is used in the first place: pipe the df output to awk instead of cat. The second location is on line 1191 of Discovery_UNIX and looks like this:
if (NetIQ::Nqext::ExecCmd("df -k $1 | cat -u") =~ /\n\S+\s+(\S+).+$/) {
Technical Support has tested this by changing the line to this:
if (NetIQ::Nqext::ExecCmd("df -k $1 | awk 'NF < 2 { printf \$0; next } { print }'") =~ /\n\S+\s+(\S+).+$/) {
This change enables the Discovery_UNIX KS to successfully join word-wrapped lines.
Please Note customizing Knowledge Scripts is beyond the scope of Technical Support, but available through our Professional Services group. Contact your Account Representative for more details about having a KS customized for your environment.
Additional Information
To prove this from the command line, try these two commands:
- df -k /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 | cat -u
- df -k /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 | awk 'NF < 2 { printf $0; next } { print }'