How can I extract the data for a specific knowledge script and machine from the repository (NETIQKB54505)

  • 7754505
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 01-Oct-2010


AppManager 6.0.2


How can I extract the data for a specific knowledge script and machine from the AppManager repository?


The following SQL Statement will allow data for a specified knowledge script and machine to be extracted from the ArchiveData table in the AppManager repository.  Replace the values NT_CPULoaded and SERVER01 with the desired knowledge script name and server name, respectively:

select ADH.KPName as Knowledge_Script,
 Dateadd(second,AD.Time,'1/1/1970 0:0:0') as Time,
 Dateadd(second,AD.BiasedTime,'1/1/1970 0:0:0') as BiasedTime,
from ArchiveData AD
Inner Join ArchiveDataHeader ADH
 on AD.DataID = ADH.DataID
 where ADH.KPName like '%NT_CPULoaded%'
  and ADH.MachineName = 'SERVER01'
Order by BiasedTime Asc

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB54505

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