Error: 'User profile $1 not found when trying to send a message through PSDetect about a rejected R (NETIQKB54175)

  • 7754175
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Oct-2007


Remote Request Management (RRM)

PSDetect 8.0

NetIQ Security Solutions for iSeries 8.0

Error: 'User profile $1 not found" when trying to send a message through PSDetect about a rejected RRM transaction.

I'm trying to send a message about a rejected RRM transaction through PSDetect, and errors are returned.

Variable TOUSR($1) is not translating to user profile from the transaction that triggers the RRM Alert.

Error found in joblog for job PSDACTMON:  Error found on DSPMSGD command 

Message variable definition for message ID PS10001 was deleted from file PDSDETECT/PSM934P.


To resolve this issue:

  1. Check to see if PS10001 exists in the PSDetect work file PSM934P in library PSDetect by entering the following iSeries command: RUNQRY QRY(*NONE) QRYFILE((PSDETECT/PSM934P))
  2. If the file PSM934P is available, complete the following steps:
    1. Save the file and restore the file to a temporary library.
    2. Copy the contents of the file to PSDETECT/PSM934P by entering the following iSeries command: CPYF TEMPLIB/PSM934P PSDETECT/PSM934P *N *N *ADD
  3. Delete possible duplicate records in PSM934P by completing the following steps:
    1. Type command ADDLIBLE PSCOMMON and press Enter.
    2. Type command PSRUNSQL REQUEST('delete from PSDETECT/PSM934P F1 where RRN(F1) > (select MIN(RRN(F2)) from PSDETECT/PSM934P  F2 where F2.M934ID = F1.M934ID and F2.M934VN = F1.M934VN)') CONFIRM(*NO) and press Enter.
    3. Type command RMVLIBLE PSCOMMON and press Enter.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB54175