Error: The object you specified could not be copied because it creates a circular reference when c (NETIQKB54090)

  • 7754090
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x

Error: "The object you specified could not be copied because it creates a circular reference" when copying an ActiveView

Cannot create ActiveViews with rules that include other ActiveView(s)

Error when copying an ActiveView


It is possible to create or copy an ActiveView that uses rules that include the rules found in other ActiveViews.  When you create a rule that uses a wildcard, it is possible that the ActiveView you are creating or copying would be included in the rule within the same ActiveView, which creates a circular reference.

For example, if you are creating a rule that includes all ActiveViews that begin with the letter "A," and you name the new or copied ActiveView begining with the letter "A," this scenario will occur.

If you create a rule that includes all ActiveViews, this scenario can also occur.

If you are attempting to create or copy an ActiveView that includes the rules of all other ActiveViews, consider creating rules that include all objects in the managed domains instead to avoid creating a circular reference.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB54090