How do I force the creation of mailboxes on a specific mailbox store without forcing mailboxes to be (NETIQKB53947)

  • 7753947
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 10-Aug-2007


How do I force the creation of mailboxes on a specific mailbox store without forcing mailboxes to be created for every user account created?

What operation do I associate with the mailbox creation trigger script if I do not want mailboxes created for every user account, but do want the mailbox store defined for the mailboxes that are created?


Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x


To create mailboxes on a mailbox store but not for every created user account, associate the createmailbox.vbs trigger script with the mailboxcreate operation. Do not associate it with the usercreate operation.


The createmailbox.vbs script is available for download from the NetIQ DRA Knowledge Depot link at


Example scripts that are provided on NetIQ's Knowledge Depot or referenced in Knowledge Base articles are offered on an "as is" basis, and are not part of the supported product set. Customers should be aware that issues that may arise from their use are not supported by NetIQ Technical Support.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB53947