How do I move my reports from one drive to another drive on the same Report Server? (NETIQKB53785)

  • 7753785
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 26-May-2011


NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x


How do I move my reports from one drive to another drive on the same Report Server?


To move the Reports drive, you will need to make changes in the following components:


Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager

Within IIS on the Report Server, you will need to make the following changes:


  1. Open IIS and expand to the Default Web Site
  2. Right-click on AMReports and select Properties
  3. On the Virtual Directory tab, change the Local path to reflect the new drive and directory
  4. Click Apply
  5. Click OK
  6. Click OK (again)
  7. Right-click on NetIQ and select Properties
  8. On the Virtual Directory tab, change the Local path to reflect the new drive and directory
  9. Click Apply
  10. Click OK
  11. Click OK (again)
  12. Stop and restart the Default Website



Click on Start, Run and type in regedit.  Within the registry on the Report Server, you will need to make the following changes:

  • Navigate down to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NetIQ\Common\AMREPORTS.  Change the following values to reflect the new path, but leave the end folder value intact:
    • BaseOutputPath (leave the \Web\Report)
    • BuildFilesPath (leave the \Web\build_files)
    • SharedFilesPath (leave the \Web\shared_files)
    • EXAMPLE: if you are moving the Web directory to F:\NetIQ, the paths would then be F:\NetIQ\Web\Report, F:\NetIQ\Web\build_files, and F:\NetIQ\Web\shared_files


If you also plan to move the Common folder as well, you will need to perform this.
.  If you are ONLY going to move the Reports folder, you do not need to perform this!!!!

  • Navigate down to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NetIQ\Common\NETIQREPORTS.  Change the following values to reflect the new path, but leave the end folder value intact:
    • BaseOutputPath (leave the \Common\Report)
    • BuildFilesPath (leave the \Common\build_files)
    • SharedFilesPath (leave the \Common\shared_files)
    • EXAMPLE: if you are moving the Web directory to F:\NetIQ, the paths would then be F:\NetIQ\Common\Report, F:\NetIQ\Common\build_files, and F:\NetIQ\Common\shared_files

 Now move the entire Web folder from the current location (..\Program Files\NetIQ\AppManager\) to your new drive location.   

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB53785

Technical support recommends you perform this process on your test environment to ensure limited interruption and confirm this will function in your environment. This procedure has not been regression tested for all environments.