What is the meaning of the icons appearing on domain nodes in the GP Repository snap-in of the GPA 5.0 Console?
What does the icon having a red circle with a diagonal red line through it mean when it is over the domain controller?
What does the DC icon with a gray question mark in a white circle mean?
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 5.0
If the red circle icon appears on a domain, it cannot function as a source or destination for a GPO migration operation.
The domain controller used to contact the domain is set on the General property page of the domain. You can browse for a specific domain controler on that page or specify that the primary domain controller be used. You could also remove and add it again. Regardless, if GPA cannot communicate with a domain controller, it cannot use that domain as a migration target, export target, check out target, etc.
What is the meaning of the icons appearing on domain nodes in the GP Repository snap-in of the GPA 5.0 Console?
What does the icon having a red circle with a diagonal red line through it mean when it is over the domain controller?
What does the DC icon with a gray question mark in a white circle mean?
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 5.0
The icon having a red circle with a diagonal red line through it means that the domain is not accessible or the domain controller could not be contacted.
A gray question mark in a white circle means that the domain is not trusting.
If the red circle icon appears on a domain, it cannot function as a source or destination for a GPO migration operation.
The domain controller used to contact the domain is set on the General property page of the domain. You can browse for a specific domain controler on that page or specify that the primary domain controller be used. You could also remove and add it again. Regardless, if GPA cannot communicate with a domain controller, it cannot use that domain as a migration target, export target, check out target, etc.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB53612