How do I disable the Password Never Expires check box in the DRA web console? (NETIQKB53406)

  • 7753406
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


How do I disable the Password Never Expires check box in the DRA web console?

Can I gray out the Password Never Expires field in the web console?

How do I prevent Assistant Admins from setting passwords to never expire with the web console?

How do I stop users from selecting the Password Never Expires field in the web console?

Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x


You can disable the Password Never Expires field in the web console.

Once disabled, Assistant Admins with appropriate powers, including DRA admins, will be able to see the current setting but be unable to change it in the web console. If Assistant Admins need to change this setting, they can use the 32-bit client or native tools.

To disable the Password Never Expires field in the web console, complete the following steps on all servers hosting the DRA Web component:

  1. Copy the Properties.asp file from c:\Program Files\Inetpub\wwwroot\DRAWeb\WebConsole\BuiltIn\AccountManagement\Users\UserResetPassword\Properties.asp
  2. Paste the Properties.asp file to c:\Program Files\Inetpub\wwwroot\DRAWeb\WebConsole\Custom\AccountManagement\Users\UserResetPassword\Properties.asp

    Note: Do not modify the Properties.asp file in the BuiltIn path. Modify only the file that you pasted into the Custom path.  This will allow you to restore the functionality of the web console should you make a mistake.

  3. In the location where you pasted it, right-click Properties.asp , and then clear the Read Only attribute.
  4. In the location where you pasted it, open Properties.asp  with Notepad.
  5. Find the following section:
  6.  set FormCtrl           = TaskForm.AddCtrl("checkbox", "PwdNeverExp")
     FormCtrl.Label         = Task.GetMsg("LABEL_PWD_NEVER_EXPIRES")
     FormCtrl.Help          = Task.GetMsg("HELP_PWD_NEVER_EXPIRES")
     FormCtrl.Enabled       = True
     FormCtrl.Visible       = True
     FormCtrl.DataField     = "$McsPasswordDontExpire"
     FormCtrl.DataFieldType = "boolean"
     set FormCtrl           = nothing

  7. Change the value for FormCtrl.Enabled  to False and save the changes to the file.  This change is immediate. You do not need to restart the service.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB53406