How do I modify a Group Policy Object (GPO) in the All system category in Group Policy Administrator (NETIQKB53317)

  • 7753317
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 22-Jul-2008


How do I modify a Group Policy Object (GPO) in the All system category in Group Policy Administrator (GPA)?

NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 4.x

NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 5.0

All options are disabled (gray) for GPOs in the All system category in GPA.


You cannot modify GPOs in the All system category. Group Policy Administrator (GPA) provides this category for viewing a list of all GPOs in a GP Repository and for viewing reports on these GPOs. 

The GP Repository has several predefined system categories:

  1. All - This category contains a list of all GPOs in a GP Repository domain. The All category provides a quick way to find any GPO by GPO name. You can only view reports on GPOs in this category. You cannot modify or delete GPOs in this category.
  2. Backup - This category contains backups of Active Directory GPOs. The GP Repository export feature allows users to export GPOs created in the GP Repository to an Active Directory domain. During this export process, if a GPO with the same GUID already exists in the Active Directory domain, the GP Repository backs up the live domain GPO in the Backup category. This node does not appear until the first backup GPO is created.
  3. GPOs Pending Approval - This category contains a list of all GPOs in a GP Repository domain that have been checked in to the GP Repository.
  4. GPOs Pending Export - This category contains a list of all GPOs in a GP Repository domain that are approved for export and need to be exported to Active Directory.

For more information about GPA system categories, see the NetIQ Group Policy Administrator User Guide.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB53317