Home directory renames or moves fail if the home directory contains open files or read-only files. (NETIQKB53238)

  • 7753238
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x

Home directory renames or moves fail if the home directory contains open files or read-only files.

When you modify a home directory path by changing the home directory target location or changing the user account name, if the old home directory contains read-only files or open files, DRA does not delete these files and does not delete the old home directory.

Error: "DRA cannot locate the registry entry to allow the home share rename trigger to rename the selected home share. Or, the selected home share violates the list of protected shares..."

DRA incorrectly handles open files or read-only files when you move or rename home directories.


NetIQ Directory and Resource Administrator and Exchange Administrator version 7.5 Hotfix 53238 addresses this issue.

Hotfix 53238 corrects two issues with the way Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) handles open files and read-only files in home directories.

  • When you modify a home directory path by changing the home directory target location or changing the user account name, DRA creates a new home directory, copies all the files from the old home directory to the new home directory, and tries to delete the old home directory. If the old home directory contains read-only files or open files, DRA does not delete these files and cannot delete the old home directory. DRA does not provide a warning message that tells you to manually delete the read-only or open files and the old home directory. This hotfix ensures DRA displays a warning message when DRA cannot delete the old home directory.
  • When DRA copies files from the old home directory to the new home directory after you modify the home directory path or rename a user account, DRA does not provide a visual indication of the copy process. This hotfix ensures DRA displays an hourglass while copying files.

Note: This hotfix requires DRA version 7.5.

To download and install this hotfix:

  1. Close all DRA user interfaces.
  2. Run the DRA75000_Hotfix53238.msi file on each Administration server computer and on each computer where you installed an Account and Resource Management console or Delegation and Configuration console.

Hotfix 53238 modifies the McsHomeShareTriggers.dll file on each computer where you installed an Administration server. This hotfix also modifies the Accounts.dll file on each computer where you installed an Account and Resource Management console or Delegation and Configuration console. By default, these files are located in the Program Files\NetIQ\DRA folder.

For more information, please contact NetIQ Technical Support at https://www.netiq.com/support .

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB53238