How do I configure the Call Data Analysis module and CiscoCallMgr_CallQuality? (NETIQKB52831)

  • 7752831
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 26-Oct-2010


AppManager 6.x
AppManager 7.0.x
Cisco Call Manager
Call Data Analysis
NetIQ CiscoCallMgr_CallQuality Knowledge Script


How do I configure the Call Data Analysis module and CiscoCallMgr_CallQuality?
What do I need to do to set up Call Manager to collect CDR?


Configure the Call Manager to collect CDR information according to your version of Call Manager.

Call Manager 3.2.x:

  1. From the Call Manager Administration Web page, click ApplicationCisco CallManager Serviceability.
  2. Click Tools> Control Center.
  3. Select the Call Manager from the list of Servers and ensure that the Cisco CDR Insert Service is running.
  4. Click Application> Cisco CallManager Administration.
  5. Click ServiceService Parameters.
  6. Select the Cisco Call Manager server.
  7. From the list of Services, select Cisco Call Manager.
  8. Ensure that the following are set to True:

    Call Diagnostics Enabled

Call Manager 3.3.x and 4.0.x:

  1. From the Call Manager Administration Web page, click ApplicationCisco CallManager Serviceability.
  2. Click ToolsService Activation.
  3. Select the Call Manager from the list of Servers and ensure that Cisco CDR Insert is checked and activated.
  4. Click ApplicationCisco CallManager Administration.
  5. Click ServiceService Parameters.
  6. Select a Call Manager server.
  7. Select the Cisco Call Manager service.
  8. Ensure that the following are set to True:

    CDR Enabled Flag
    CDR Log Calls with Zero Duration Flag
    Call Diagnostics Enabled

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB52831