How do I create an ActiveView to allow an Assistant Admin to view and move computers between OUs? (NETIQKB52608)

  • 7752608
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


How do I create an ActiveView to allow an Assistant Admin to view and move computers between OUs?

How do I filter or limit the object types in an ActiveView I created with the purpose of moving computer objects between OUs?

Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x

I created an Active View for the specific purpose of moving computers between OUs, but Assistant Admins assigned to this Active View see a link to users and groups in the web console in addition to computers.


To configure an Active View for the purpose of moving computers between OUs, you use the 'move object to OU' rule. This rule includes all objects.

Because the rule includes all objects, web console users see links to user and group objects, in addition to computer objects, even if they cannot view the objects or do anything with them.

There is no specific rule for moving only computer objects.


You cannot limit the object types displayed in this Active View. However, this issue does not prevent users from moving computer objects between OUs.

An enhancement request has been submitted to create rules for more specific powers such as 'move computer to OU' and 'move user to OU'.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB52608