Error: failed to get the transport configuration settings when attempting to export a GPO using ex (NETIQKB52518)

  • 7752518
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 13-Nov-2007


NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 5.0

Unable to export a GPO when the Export Override feature of Group Policy Administrator is enabled.

Error: "failed to get the transport configuration settings" when attempting to export a GPO using export override.

Error: "The Export Override account requires you to install the GPA Server and associate it with the Repository. To configure the server, start the Server Configuration utility from the Group Policy Administrator program folder on the computer where you installed the server."


The GPA server is not associated with the GPA_Repository database.


In order to export a GPO using export override, you must associate the GPA server with the Repository database.

To associate the GPA server with the Repository database:

  1. Run the GPA Server Configuration Utility from Start | Programs | NetIQ Administration | Group Policy Administrator.
  2. Under GPA Repository,  in the SQL Database field, enter the name of the SQL server hosting the Repository database.
  3. In the Database Name field, enter the name of the Repository database. By default the name is GPO_Repository.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Stop and Start the GPA Server Service
  6. Click OK to exit.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB52518