UNIX_LogicalDiskIO Knowledge Script cannot find the amount measurement interval on AIX. (NETIQKB52512)

  • 7752512
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 17-Oct-2007


AppManager for Unix Agent 6.5

AppManager 6.0.2


UNIX_LogicalDiskIO Knowledge Script cannot find the amount measurement interval on AIX.

The UNIX LogicalDiskIO Knowledge Script intermitently fails to capture the Interval value.

NetIQ Technical Support has determined that this is a known issue with the UNIX_LogicalDiskIO Knowledge Script. The Measurement Interval parameter in the UNIX_LogicalDiskIO Knowledge Script captures the time elapsed during data read, write, and transfer operations on AIX computers. 

Hotfix 52512 has been released to address this issue. This hotfix resolves the intermittent failure of the UNIX_LogicalDiskIO Knowledge Script to accurately capture the Measurement Interval value on AIX computers.

Apply this hotfix in environments where you are running AppManager version 6.0.2 with the AppManager Unix agent version 6.5 on the AIX platform. This hotfix includes updates to the UNIX_LogicalDiskIO Knowledge Script.

To install this hotfix:

  1. Download the installation package from https://download.netiq.com/KnowledgeDepot/AMU/Hotfixes/Recommended/AM6.0.2_UNIX_65_Hotfix52512.exe.
  2. Extract the contents of the downloaded package, this ReadMe file and the setup program, to a selected folder. The default location is C:\Program Files\NetIQ.
  3. Run the hotfix setup program, AM6.0.2_UNIX_65_Hotfix52512.exe, on all AppManager version 6.0.2 repository computers where you are running the AppManager UNIX agent version 6.5.

To take advantage of the Knowledge Script updates provided with this hotfix, you must upgrade any AppManager jobs that are currently running.

To upgrade jobs that are running when you install the hotfix:

  1. In the Operator Console, right-click the UNIX_LogicalDiskIO Knowledge Script and select Properties Propagation.
  2. Select either Ad Hoc Jobs or, for jobs that are part of a monitoring policy, Knowledge Script Group Members.
  3. Select Script.
  4. Clear Properties.
  5. Click OK.

For more information on how to use the AMAdmin_UpgradeJobs Knowledge Script, see the Operator Console online Help.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB52512