Is there a way to script changes to ActiveView rules?
How do I change the domain name references in all ActiveViews without opening each one to edit it manually?
Can I make bulk or global changes to all ActiveView rules?
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
Directory and Resource Administrator 8.0
It may be possible to use a script to modify ActiveViews. However, there is no easy way to modify ActiveViews in bulk because the ActiveView data is stored in the registry in binary format:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mission Critical Software\OnePoint\Administration\Data\Modules\Security\ActiveView
This registry key contains folders for each ActiveView. Each ActiveView folder contains Deputies, Principals, and Rules.
Open the Rules folder to see each rule. Most rules have a Buffer key with a binary value.
An Enhancement Request has been opened with Development to include this functionality in a future version of Directory and Resource Administrator.