Directory and Resource Administrator 7.5
The IP phone property field on the Telephones tab on the User Properties window only allows numeric values in an IP address format.
Unable to change the value of the IP phone property field on the Telephones tab on the User Properties window from an IP address format to a different format that includes alphabetic characters or numbers not in an IP address format.
DRA incorrectly allows you to enter only an IP address in the IP phone property field on the Telephones tab on the User Account Properties window. DRA does not allow you to enter a numeric value in a format other than an IP address format. DRA also does not allow you to enter alphabetic characters.
This issue is addressed in NetIQ Directory and Resource Administrator and Exchange Administrator version 7.5 Hotfix 51696.
Hotfix 51696 addresses an issue with how Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) handles the format of IP phone properties for a user account in the Delegation and Configuration console or the Account and Resource Management console. This issue occurs because DRA allows you to only enter an IP address in the IP phone property on the Telephones tab on the User Account Properties window. This hotfix addresses this issue by allowing you to enter any text value in the IP phone property.
Note: This hotfix requires DRA version 7.5.
To download and install this hotfix:
- Close all DRA user interfaces.
- Run the DRA75000_Hotfix51696.msi file on each computer where you installed the DRA Delegation and Configuration console or DRA Account and Resource Management console.
Hotfix 51696 modifies the NetIQ.DRA.Console.Accounts.dll file on each computer where you installed the DRA Delegation and Configuration console or DRA Account and Resource Management console. By default, this file is located in the Program Files\NetIQ\DRA folder.
For more information, please contact NetIQ Technical Support at .