Action_MapiMail Knowledge Script fails
Error: 'XML is malformed.'
Invalid .xml file
Action_MapiMail cannot interpret a file in XML format.
Error: 'XML is malformed.'
Invalid .xml file
Action_MapiMail cannot interpret a file in XML format.
Use the Custom Message option for the Action_MapiMail Knowledge Script instead of the Default Event Message. For more information, see Action_MapiMail Help.
Use the Custom Message option for the Action_MapiMail Knowledge Script instead of the Default Event Message. For more information, see Action_MapiMail Help.
A NTAdmin_RunDOS script called an Action_MapiMail script. The NTAdmin_RunDOS script produced very large and complex output. The Action_MapiMail script cannot transfer the NTAdmin_RunDOS's results into XML format properly.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB51644