What are the available hotfixes for Directory and Resource Administrator 7.0 SP1? (NETIQKB51512)

  • 7751512
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007



What are the available hotfixes for Directory and Resource Administrator 7.0 SP1?

What are the critical hotfixes for Directory and Resource Administrator 7.0 SP1?

What are the recommended hotfixes for Directory and Resource Administrator 7.0 SP1?


Directory and Resource Administrator 7.0 SP1


The hotfixes listed below are available for Directory and Resource Administrator and Exchange Administrator version 7.0 SP1.


There are no critical hotfixes for Directory and Resource Administrator and Exchange Administrator version 7.0 SP1.


Hotfix 39372 - "Option to create a 'Universal Group' is grayed out after selecting the 'Security' option under 'Group scope'." For more information, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB39372, available at  www.netiq.com/kb/esupport/consumer/solutionarea.asp?id=NETIQKB39372.

Hotfix 39589 - "Error 'getobjectsafe failed' received when displaying properties of printers or services via the Directory and Resource Administrator Web Console." For more information, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB39589, available at  www.netiq.com/kb/esupport/consumer/solutionarea.asp?id=NETIQKB39589.

Hotfix 43722 - "Home directory is not being deleted if the 'HomeShareCreate' post task trigger fails." For more information, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB43722, available at  www.netiq.com/kb/esupport/consumer/solutionarea.asp?id=NETIQKB43722.

Hotfix 44847 - "Account expiration date is modified each time the property of a user is modified." For more information, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB44847, available at  www.netiq.com/kb/esupport/consumer/solutionarea.asp?id=NETIQKB44847.

Hotfix 45913 - "Permissions are reset on NetApp file when parent permissions were reset." For more information, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB45913, available at  www.netiq.com/kb/esupport/consumer/solutionarea.asp?id=NETIQKB45913.

Hotfix 46026 - "Error: 'Error: System.InvalidCastException' received when selecting the 'Log On To' button on the User Properties page." For more information, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB46026, available at  www.netiq.com/kb/esupport/consumer/solutionarea.asp?id=NETIQKB46026 .

Hotfix 48390 - "Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) 7.0 SP1 clients cannot connect to the Administration server." For more information, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB48390, available at  www.netiq.com/kb/esupport/consumer/solutionarea.asp?id=NETIQKB48390.

Hotfix 48583 - "Error: The Directory and Resource Administrator Server cannot identify the client." For more information, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NE.
TIQKB48583, available at  www.netiq.com/kb/esupport/consumer/solutionarea.asp?id=NETIQKB48583.

Hotfix 54631 - "A Multi-Master Synchronization (MMS) causes Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) to become unresponsive and appear to hang." For more information, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB54631, available at  www.netiq.com/kb/esupport/consumer/solutionarea.asp?id=NETIQKB54631.


Hotfix 39222 - "Error: 'Could not modify security descriptor' when attempting to clone\create a user account with the home directory on a NetApp filer." For more information, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB39222, available at  www.netiq.com/kb/esupport/consumer/solutionarea.asp?id=NETIQKB39222.

Hotfix 40476 - "When viewing the maximum Pre-Windows 2000 Name Length property of the $GroupNameLengthPolicy policy on a secondary DRA server, the field always displays a value of 15." For more information, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB40476, available at  www.netiq.com/kb/esupport/consumer/solutionarea.asp?id=NETIQKB40476.

Hotfix 40782 - "Error: 'The security ID structure is invalid' generated when trying to set Exchange 2000/2003 mailbox security." For more information, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB40782, available at  www.netiq.com/kb/esupport/consumer/solutionarea.asp?id=NETIQKB40782.

Hotfix 41190 - "Forward all email to this address' property of a Microsoft Exchange 2000/2003 mailbox is truncated at the first special character such as a comma." For more information, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB41190, available at  www.netiq.com/kb/esupport/consumer/solutionarea.asp?id=NETIQKB41190.

Hotfix 41976 - "Error: 'Error saving the changes to the User. The name reference is invalid' when trying to update the properties of an Organizational Unit (OU), Contact, or User Account via the Directory and Resource Administrator 32 bit GUI." For more information, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB41976, available at  www.netiq.com/kb/esupport/consumer/solutionarea.asp?id=NETIQKB41976.

Hotfix 42110 - "MailboxMove operations fails with ERROR: 'Operation failed' if the mailbox names contains a '\' character." For more information, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB42110, available at  www.netiq.com/kb/esupport/consumer/solutionarea.asp?id=NETIQKB42110.

Hotfix 42853 - "What is the purpose of Directory and Resource Administrator 7.0 SP1 Hotfix 42853?" For more information, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB42853, available at  www.netiq.com/kb/esupport/consumer/solutionarea.asp?id=NETIQKB42853.

Hotfix 43645 - "User Must Change Password at Next Logon' flag is not automatically checked when providing a password for a user account in the 'User Properties' window of the 32 bit GUI." For more information, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB43645, available at  www.netiq.com/kb/esupport/consumer/solutionarea.asp?id=NETIQKB43645.

Hotfix 43921 - "Secondary Administration servers are unavailable during MultiMaster Synchronization." For more information, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB43921, available at  www.netiq.com/kb/esupport/consumer/solutionarea.asp?id=NETIQKB43921.

Hotfix 47029 - "Assistant Admins without read permissions to the RAS fields displays inaccurate information for the RAS property fields." For more information, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB47029, available at  www.netiq.com/kb/esupport/consumer/solutionarea.asp?id=NETIQKB47029.

Hotfix 47554 - "Directory and Resource Administrator does not delete home directories if the directory contains read-only files." For more information, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB47554, available at  www.netiq.com/kb/esupport/consumer/solutionarea.asp?id=NETIQKB47554.

Hotfix 48301 - "Unable to prevent cloning of the Exchange 5.5 Extension-Attributes 11-15." For more information, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB48301, available at  www.netiq.com/kb/esupport/consumer/solutionarea.asp?id=NETIQKB48301.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB51512