How do I uninstall a hotfix in Directory and Resource Administrator?
What is the recommended procedure for uninstalling or backing out a DRA hotfix?
How do I uninstall a hotfix for DRA?
Can I remove a DRA hotfix using Windows Add or Remove Programs or the registry?
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
Directory and Resource Administrator 8.0
Once a hotfix for Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) has been applied, there is no way to simply uninstall or back out the hotfix. You cannot use Windows Add or Remove Programs to uninstall DRA hotfixes because they are not listed as removable programs. There are no registry entries that you can manipulate either.
Since DRA hotfixes typically modify one or more files on the DRA server(s) or client computer(s), the best preventive course of action is to back up those files before you apply the hotfix. Refer to the hotfix ReadMe document for a list of the files that the hotfix modifies. If you need to back out the hotfix or uninstall the hotfix files, you can copy the backed up files to their original location and restart the NetIQ Administration service. By default, DRA hotfixes modify files located in the C:\Program Files\NetIQ\DRA
DRA will continue to display the hotfix as being installed in the registry, on the version info tab, and in the
C:\Program Files\NetIQ\DRA\Hotfixes