How do I exclude a user or an object type from the Changes To Object Authority report AACL28CA? (NETIQKB51127)

  • 7751127
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 12-Jun-2007


How do I exclude a user or an object type from the Changes To Object Authority report AACL28CA?

Can I create a filter to exclude a user or object type from the Changes To Object Authority report?

Can I run the Changes To Object Authority report without certain users or object types included?

System Auditing and Reporting (SAR) 

NetIQ Security Solutions for iSeries

VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries

VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries PSAudit


To create a report filter to exclude a user or object type from the Changes To Object Authority report:

  1. To access the Changes To Object Authority report, from PSMENU, select options 1, 1, 5, 1, and 2.
  2. On the PSAudit Submittal Window for the Changes To Object Authority report, press F9 (=Filter).
  3. On the Work With Filters screen, press F6 (=Add New Filter).
  4. Specify a Filter Name and Description and press Enter.
  5. Select the newly created filter with option 2 (=Update).
  6. Press F4 (=Select Fields).
  7. On the field selection window, type X next to CAUSPF to select filtering on User profile name and press Enter.
  8. Specify NE for Operator Value and a user profile name (in uppercase) for Value.
  9. Press Tab to move to the next line.
  10. Press F4 (=Select Fields).
  11. On the field selection window, type X next to CAOTYP to select filtering on Object type and press Enter.
  12. Specify OR under the AND/OR column, NE for Operator Value and an object type (in uppercase) for Value.
  13. Press Enter.
  14. Press F12 (=Return) twice.
  15. On the PSAudit Submittal Window, specify the filter name and any other selection criteria and job attributes.
  16. Press Enter to run the report or F7 (=Schedule) to schedule the report.


Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB51127