Is there a way to synchronize all GPOs in the GP Repository with the GPOs in Active Directory?
ADPrep for Windows 2003 reapplies ACLs to all GPOs in the forest. How do I get those changes into the GP Repository without having to re-import all of the GPOs?
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 4.x
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 5.0
Group Policy Administrator (GPA) does not currently support the ability to synchronize GPOs in the GP Repository with their counterpart GPOs in Active Directory. If a GPO is modified outside the GP Repository, you must re-import the GPO into the GP Repository.
GPA has a scripting interface you may use to facilitate importing all of your GPOs. For more information on performing operations using the scripting interface, see Appendix B of the Group Policy Administrator User Guide.
Is there a way to synchronize all GPOs in the GP Repository with the GPOs in Active Directory?
ADPrep for Windows 2003 reapplies ACLs to all GPOs in the forest. How do I get those changes into the GP Repository without having to re-import all of the GPOs?
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 4.x
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 5.0
Group Policy Administrator (GPA) does not currently support the ability to synchronize GPOs in the GP Repository with their counterpart GPOs in Active Directory. If a GPO is modified outside the GP Repository, you must re-import the GPO into the GP Repository.
GPA has a scripting interface you may use to facilitate importing all of your GPOs. For more information on performing operations using the scripting interface, see Appendix B of the Group Policy Administrator User Guide.
A script is available in the GPA knowledge depot that will re-import all existing GPOs in the repository. The name of the script is 'RefreshGPOs.vbs'.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB50916