How do I configure a Data Source in Microsoft SQL Reporting Services (SSRS)? (NETIQKB50432)

  • 7750432
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 25-May-2011


Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services


How do I configure a Data Source in Microsoft SQL Reporting Services (SSRS)?


To create a new Data Source for deploying reports:

  1. Close your Analysis Center console.
  2. Launch or connect to the SRS Report Manager.
  3. Browse to the NetIQ folder.
  4. Click New Data Source. Use the following information to create the Data Source (note there is no space in the Name of the Data Source):

    Name: AnalysisCenter
    Connection Type: NetIQ Analysis Center
    Connection String: URL=http://<server where AC Web Service is installed>/ACWebService
    Connect Using: Credentials stored securely in the report server and enter the same account used by the ACAppPool.

  5. Click Apply.
  6. Launch the Analysis Center console.
  7. Deploy the report.
  8. Click Shared Report Server Data Source.
  9. Select the Data Source you created.
  10. Click Edit to see if you can select the new Data Source.

You can now connect to the SRS Data Source and deploy the reports.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB50432