Error: Cannot insert duplicate key row in object T_security_checkups. (NETIQKB50366)

  • 7750366
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Sep-2008


NetIQ Vulnerability Manager 5.5

Error: "Cannot insert duplicate key row in object T_security_checkups."

Editing a policy template causes an error.

Editing a policy template many times causes an error.

Editing a security checkup template causes an error.

This problem occurs when you have a clean installation of NetIQ Vulnerability Manager 5.5 and try to edit a policy template more than 10 times.  If you have upgraded from Vulnerability Manager 5.0 to Vulnerability Manager 5.5, you should not see this problem. 


To fix this problem, complete the following steps:

  1. On the database computer, open SQL Enterprise Manager.
  2. In SQL Enterprise Manager, browse to Console Root > Microsoft SQL Servers > SQL Server Group > SQLServerName > Databases > Vigilent > Stored Procedures (where SQLServerName is the SQL Server instance on which your database resides).
  3. In the right pane, locate and double-click the sp_T_securityCheckups_insert stored procedure.
  4. Go to line 59, SET @newversionint = (Select MAX(version) + 1 FROM t_securityCheckups WHERE name = @name),   and replace it with the following text:

    SET @newversionint = (Select MAX(cast(version as int)) + 1 FROM t_securityCheckups WHERE name = @name)
  5. Click Apply, then click OK. 

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB50366